Secular Coalition for America, headed by Sean Faircloth, has hit a home run for all reason-minded Americans by meeting with President Obama and seeking actions that reflect a true patriotism and support for our US Bill of Rights as consistently shown in our non-religious community. SCFA... hats off to you!
Here's a reprint of the news:

Dear Randall,

Never before has a U.S. presidential administration held such an event with the secular movement, and it's the latest indication that we are gaining significant momentum, and that secular Americans, numbering in the tens of millions, are a constituency that must be included in national policy decisions.
Since our meeting, rightwing groups have been telling the media that ours is a "hate-filled" coalition, but the truth is that our message could not have been more compassionate and constructive. We used this historic opportunity to call for protecting children from religiously-based medical neglect, ending military proselytizing, and ending tax-funded faith-based initiatives which discriminate and proselytize.
The Secular Coalition for America has big goals for the coming months and years. We're executing a strategy that will see us expanding our base of issues, increasing our lobbying efforts, and generating new and innovative ways for secular Americans to connect, network, and get active throughout America--but we need your help.
None of our plans can be realized without your support. Please donate now. Any amount you provide helps get us closer to becoming an undeniable political force which must be taken into account by those in power. Donate, and help Secular Americans claim our seat at the political table today.
Sean Faircloth
Executive Director
Secular Coalition for America
P.S. - Our official statements presented to the administration are available here. And we're still interested in your perspective on what additional issues you'd like to see emphasized as we go forward. If you were in the room with White House officials, what issues would you bring up? Vote now in our poll to let us know!
Questions? Comments? Contact us (Please DO NOT HIT REPLY -- no one will see your message.)
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